Choose a topic from the table of contents to get started on your Wishful Shrinking journey.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. About the user guide
  3. GUI Layout
  4. Quick Start
  5. Commands
  6. FAQ
  7. Glossary
  8. Command Summary

1. Overview

Welcome to the Wishful Shrinking User Guide! In this section, you will be given an overview of what Wishful Shrinking is about and what you can get out of reading this document.

1.1 Introduction

Wishful Shrinking is your desktop diet manager. It is an app that helps you manage your on-hand ingredients , organise personal recipes and track your diet. Wishful Shrinking facilitates a healthier diet in three main ways:

  1. Provide a source of healthy, customizable recipes
  2. Recommend recipes to improve ease of home cooking
  3. Track daily food and calorie intake

Wishful Shrinking targets office workers who tend to neglect healthy eating. Office workers are also more familiar with desktop applications and typing and correspondingly, Wishful Shrinking is optimized for fast and efficient typers as it uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) with the added beauty of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Wishful Shrinking is available for the Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac OS operating systems.

1.2 Purpose

This user guide provides in-depth documentation on the installation process, step-by-step instructions for each feature and troubleshooting recommendations.

2. About the User Guide

This section will explain the symbols in the user guide, parameters and the format of commands.

2.1 Symbols

Symbol Meaning
:memo: This symbol indicates information to take note of.
:bulb: This symbol indicates a helpful tip when using the command.

2.2 Parameters

Prefix Parameter Meaning
n/ NAME Name of recipe or name of ingredient
i/ INGREDIENT Ingredient name and optional quantity
instr/ INSTRUCTION Instructions of a recipe
c/ CALORIE Calories of a recipe
img/ IMAGE Image address of a recipe
t/ TAG Recipe tag
INDEX Index of item in the recent displayed item list

2.3 Format

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • All prefixes must be preceded by a space.
    e.g t/, i/

  • All commands are case-sensitive.
    e.g. in addR, add is in small letters while R is in capital letters.

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.
    e.g. in addR n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as addR n/salad.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/Salad or as n/Salad t/healthy.

  • Items with after means that there can be more than 1 item. It is necessary to specify the prefix before every item.
    e.g. [t/TAG]… can be used as t/healthy or t/healthy t/low calories.

  • Items in the more format [<character> MORE ITEM] means there can be more than 1 item, separated by the specified character. It is not necessary to specify the prefix before each item.
    e.g instr/INSTRUCTION[. MORE INSTRUCTION] can be used as instr/Open baked beans and serve or instr/Open baked beans. Fry beans. Serve.. e.g n/[ MORE NAMES] can be used as n/salad or n/salad pie apple.

  • INDEX must be a positive integer e.g. 1, 2, 3…
    e.g. the INDEX in deleteR INDEX and editF INDEX must be a positive integer that is present in the corresponding lists e.g. deleteR 1 editF 2.

  • Parameters can be in any order. The only exception is if one of the parameter is an INDEX, in this case , INDEX must be the first parameter.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME i/INGREDIENTS, then i/INGREDIENTS n/NAME is also acceptable. e.g. if the command specifies INDEX n/NAME i/INGREDIENTS, then n/NAME INDEX i/INGREDIENTS is not acceptable.

3. GUI Layout

Contributed by: Hieu

This section will explain the components of Wishful Shrinking’s main window.

The image below is a labeled diagram of each of Wishful Shrinking’s components.

Below is a brief explanation on each of the components:

Component Explanation
Recipe/Fridge/Consumption tabs These are the tabs for recipe-related commands, fridge-related commands and consumption-related commands. The coloured tab shows which tab you are currently in.

By default, you will be in the Recipes tab whenever you start up Wishful Shrinking. When you execute a command, you will automatically be switched to the related tab.

In the image above, the user is currently in the Recipes tab.
List of recipes/ingredients/consumption The left window will display either a list of recipes, a list of ingredients or the consumption list depending on your input.

In the image above, it is displaying the Recipe List.
Command Result The Command Result box will show the result of your input into the Command Box.
Command Box Here is where you will type all your commands.

4. Quick start

  1. Ensure your computer has Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Download the latest wishfulShrinking.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to an empty folder you want to use as the home folder.

  4. Double-click the jar file to start the app OR start the app using CLI and type java -jar wishfulShrinking.jar.
    The app should look similar to the one shown below:

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • recipes : Lists all recipes.

    • addR n/salad i/lettuce, carrots, olive oil c/40 instr/Prepare the ingredients. Toss the ingredients together. Serve. img/ t/yummy t/healthy : Adds a salad recipe to Wishful Shrinking.

  • deleteR3 : Deletes the 3rd recipe shown in the current recipe list.

  • exit : Exits the app.

  • help : Opens the help window.

  1. Refer to the next section for details of each command.

5. Commands

:memo: Note: If multiple prefixes and values are specified when the format only specifies one, then the only last value is accepted. e.g. addF i/apple i/banana only banana is accepted

The Recipe-related commands include addR, recipes, deleteR, editR, get editR, selectR, close, searchR, recommend and clearR. These are the commands in Wishful Shrinking that are relevant only to Recipes.

5.1.1 Adding a recipe: addR

Contributed by: Hieu, Jia Qi, Tian Yong, Caitlin, Olivia

Adds a recipe to Recipe List.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have added a recipe.


  • INGREDIENT can take in an optional Quantity e.g. i/Tomato -2 whole or i/salt -a pinch.
:memo: Note: QUANTITY is separated with a mandatory space before -. After the dash, it accepts quantity in the format of -(NUMBER)(STRING) e.g. -54.0 kilograms or STRING e.g. -a pinch. NUMBER only accept up to 10 digits, including a single forward slash to represent fractions or a single full stop to represent decimal numbers and trailing whitespaces and should be greater than 0. STRING accepts alphabets.
:memo: Note: Multiple ingredients are separated by ,.
:memo: Note: You cannot add duplicate recipes into Wishful Shrinking. Duplicate recipes means recipes with both the same recipe name and ingredient names. You may add two recipes with the same name, but different ingredient names, or vice versa. If two recipes have the same image, instructions and tags, but different recipe names or ingredient names or both, they are not considered duplicate recipes.
  • CALORIES must be a positive integer e.g. 150, 200…
  • IMAGE can be in two formats:
    • Local path e.g. images/healthy1.jpg
    • URL (online image) e.g.
:bulb: Tip: If you copy and paste an image url, make sure there is no new line automatically added that can trigger a format error.
:memo: Note: Everyone should have permission to access the image path or online image URL you provide.
  • Here are the respective actions required by users depending on different usage of IMAGE:

    Usage Action Example Outcome
    Image from local storage 1. Specify absolute path of the image

    2. Add file:// in front of the file path

    3. Replace IMAGE in img/IMAGE with the file path of your image
    Local image will be displayed
    Image from online resources 1. Make sure the computer is connected to Internet

    2. Copy the online image address
    Valid image address which starts with https:// and ends with .jpg or jpeg or png The image will be downloaded into data folder and displayed
    Sample images Replace IMAGE in img/IMAGE with the file path
    (refer to table below )
    img/images/healthy1.jpg Sample image is displayed
    Invalid image NA 1. Invalid local file path

    2. Invalid URL

    3. No internet connection when adding an online image

    4. Wishful Shrinking doesn’t have permission to access the folder or website
    Default image will be displayed
    No image input NA NA Default image will be displayed since IMAGE is OPTIONAL FIELD
  • Here is the table containing built-in sample images provided by Wishful Shrinking:

    Image File Path Image File Path
    images/healthy1.jpg images/healthy4.jpg
    images/healthy2.jpg images/healthy5.jpg
    images/healthy3.jpg images/healthy6.jpg
  • INSTRUCTION will take in a series of instruction text and Wishful Shrinking will automatically separate each step of the instruction based on the end of a sentence, indicated by a ..

:bulb: Tip: Wishful Shrinking numbers each instruction step after separating the input instruction by the position(s) of . so there is no need to number the instructions. Instructions are separated by one full stop, Wishful Shrinking will remove consecutive full stops if present.


  • addR n/salad i/lettuce, tomato, olive oil c/40 img/images/healthy1.jpg instr/Cook pasta. Serve immediately. t/fast t/easy
  • addR n/sandwiches i/breads, cheese -2 slices c/80 img/ instr/Cook. Eat.

5.1.2 Listing all recipes : recipes

Contributed by: Jia Qi

Shows a list of all recipes in the Recipe List.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have listed all recipes.

Format: recipes

5.1.3 Deleting a recipe : deleteR

Contributed by: Jia Qi

Deletes the specified recipe from the Recipe List.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have deleted a recipe.

Format: deleteR INDEX

  • Deletes the recipe at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Recipe List.
:memo: Note: Deleting a recipe will not affect the recipes that have been eaten in the consumption list.


  • recipes followed by deleteR 2 deletes the 2nd recipe in Recipe List.
  • searchR n/salad followed by deleteR 1 deletes the 1st recipe in the result of the searchR command.

5.1.4 Editing a recipe: editR

Contributed by: Olivia, Jia Qi, Tian Yong, Caitlin

Edits the specified recipe from the Recipe List.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have edited a recipe.


  • Edits the recipe at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Recipe List.
  • INGREDIENT can take in an optional Quantity e.g. i/Tomato -2 whole or i/salt -a pinch.
:memo: Note: QUANTITY is separated with a mandatory space before -. After the dash, it accepts quantity in the format of -(NUMBER)(STRING) e.g. -54.0 kilograms or STRING e.g. -a pinch. NUMBER only accept up to 10 digits, including a single forward slash to represent fractions or a single full stop to represent decimal numbers and trailing whitespaces and should be greater than 0. STRING accepts alphabets.
:memo: Note: Multiple ingredients are separated by ,.
  • CALORIES must be a positive integer e.g. 150, 200…
  • IMAGE can be in two formats:
    • Local path e.g. images/healthy1.jpg
    • URL (online image) e.g.
    :bulb: Tip: If you copy and paste an image url, make sure there is no new line automatically added that can trigger a format error.
  • INSTRUCTION will take in a series of instruction text and Wishful Shrinking will automatically separate each step of the instruction based on the end of a sentence, indicated by a ..
:bulb: Tip: Wishful Shrinking numbers each instruction step after separating the input instruction by the position(s) of . so there is no need to number the instructions. Instructions are separated by one full stop, Wishful Shrinking will remove consecutive full stops if present.
  • Here are the respective actions required by users depending on different usage of IMAGE:

    Usage Action Example Outcome
    Image from local storage 1. Specify absolute path of the image

    2. Add file:// in front of the file path

    3. Replace IMAGE in img/IMAGE with the file path of your image
    Local image will be displayed
    Image from online resources 1. Make sure the computer is connected to Internet

    2. Copy the online image address
    Valid image address which starts with https:// and ends with .jpg or jpeg or png The image will be downloaded into data folder and displayed
    Sample images Replace IMAGE in img/IMAGE with the file path
    (refer to this table )
    img/images/healthy1.jpg Sample image is displayed
    Invalid image NA 1. Invalid local file path

    2. Invalid URL

    3. No internet connection
    Default image will be displayed
    No image input NA NA Default image will be displayed since IMAGE is OPTIONAL FIELD
  • All fields are optional, but at least the recipe index and one of the fields must be present to edit a recipe.

:bulb: Tip: Specifying an empty tag prefix: t/ will clear all tags if any of the specified recipe.
  • You are not allowed to edit a recipe into an already existing recipe in the Recipe List.
:memo: Note: Duplicate recipes means recipes with both the same recipe name and ingredient names. You may add two recipes with the same name, but different ingredient names, or vice versa. If two recipes have the same image, instructions and tags, but different recipe names or ingredient names or both, they are not considered duplicate recipes.
:memo: Note: Modifying a recipe will not affect the recipes that have been eaten in the consumption list.
:bulb: Tip: Specified fields will override existing values with the new values- the edit is not cumulative . Typing editR INDEX and then hitting Enter will insert the information of the recipe at the specified INDEX into the command box, letting you directly modify the existing recipe.


  • editR 2 n/Apple salad i/apple will update the name of the 2nd recipe in the displayed Recipe List to Apple salad and the ingredients to contain only an apple ingredient.

5.1.5 Getting a recipe to edit: editR

Contributed by: Olivia

Inserts the editR command concatenated with the information of the specified recipe into the command box for editing purposes.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have gotten a recipe to edit.

Format: editR INDEX

  • Gets the information of the recipe at the specified INDEX and adds it behind the edit recipe command in the command box.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Recipe List.


  • editR 2 followed by Enter will insert the information of the 2nd recipe in the displayed Recipe List into the command box.

5.1.6 Selecting a single recipe : selectR

Contributed by: Hieu

Displays the information of a single recipe in full view.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have selected a specific recipe.

Format: selectR INDEX

  • Selects the recipe at the specified INDEX to show its full information.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Recipe List.


  • selectR 1 shows the 1st recipe in full view in the left drawer.

5.1.7 Closing the recipe drawer : close

Contributed by: Hieu

Closes the left drawer if it has been opened by the select command.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have closed the left drawer. It should look similar to before you selected a recipe.

Format: close

  • This command closes the left drawer that is opened after you select a recipe.
  • Nothing will happen if you use this command when the left drawer is not open.

5.1.8 Searching for a recipe: searchR

Contributed by: Caitlin

Finds recipes in the Recipe List that contains all the specified ingredient(s), or whose name or tag(s) contain any of the specified keywords.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have searched for a recipe. In this case, the recipe is being searched by ingredients.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. salad will match Salad.
  • The search will match partial keywords. e.g. sandw will match sandwich.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Ham Salad will match Salad with Ham.
  • If multiple keywords are specified for name and tags, all recipes containing any of the keywords will match the search.
  • If multiple ingredients are searched, only recipes that contain all of the ingredients specified will match the search.
  • All fields are optional, but only one of the fields must be present to search by recipe ingredient(s), recipe name or recipe tag(s).
  • If more than one field is specified, Wishful Shrinking will only search by the first field stated.
:memo: Note: Multiple ingredients and tags are separated by a space and not a comma.


  • searchR i/lettuce tomato returns salad that has both ingredients lettuce and tomato.
  • searchR n/salad returns salad and ham salad.
  • searchR t/healthy returns salad with tag healthy.

5.1.9 Recommending recipes : recommend

Contributed by: Caitlin

Shows a list of all recipes in the Recipe List that can be made with the ingredients in your Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have gotten the recommended recipes. In this case, recommend returns the recipe salad with ingredients lettuce, olive oil and tomato since the example user has all the ingredients: lettuce, olive oil and tomato in their Fridge.

Format: recommend

  • Recipes are only recommended if your Fridge contains all of a recipe’s ingredients.
:memo: Note: Ingredient quantity is not taken into account when determining whether an ingredient is present in your Fridge.


  • recommend returns the recipe salad with ingredients lettuce, onion and tomato only if you have all lettuce, onion and tomato in your Fridge.

5.1.10 Clearing all recipes : clearR

Contributed by: Tian Yong

Clears all the recipes in the Recipe List.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have cleared all recipes.

Format: clearR

The Fridge-related commands include addF, fridge, deleteF, editF, get editF, searchF and clearF . These are the commands in Wishful Shrinking that are relevant only to the Fridge.

5.2.1 Adding an ingredient: addF

Contributed by: Caitlin, Olivia

Adds an ingredient to the Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have added an ingredient to the Fridge.


  • INGREDIENT can take in an optional Quantity e.g. i/Tomato -2 whole or i/salt -a pinch.
:memo: Note: QUANTITY is separated with a mandatory space before -. After the dash, it accepts quantity in the format of -(NUMBER)(STRING) e.g. -54.0 kilograms or STRING e.g. -a pinch. NUMBER only accept up to 10 digits, including a single forward slash to represent fractions or a single full stop to represent decimal numbers and trailing whitespaces and should be greater than 0. STRING accepts alphabets.
:memo: Note: Multiple ingredients are separated by a ,.
:memo: Note: You are not allowed to add duplicate ingredients. Duplicate ingredients are ingredients with the same name regardless of quantity.


  • addF i/peanut
  • addF i/tomato -1 kg
  • addF i/banana -3/4 cups, green peas -200g, salmon fish

5.2.2 Listing all ingredients : fridge

Contributed by: Olivia

Shows a list of all ingredients in the Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have listed all ingredients in the Fridge.

Format: fridge

5.2.3 Deleting an ingredient : deleteF

Contributed by: Olivia

Deletes the specified ingredient from the Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have deleted an ingredient from the Fridge.

Format: deleteF INDEX

  • Deletes the ingredient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Ingredient List.


  • fridge followed by deleteF 4 deletes the 4th ingredient in the Fridge.
  • searchF peanut followed by deleteF 1 deletes the 1st ingredient in the results of the searchF command.

5.2.4 Editing an ingredient: editF

Contributed by: Olivia

Edits the specified ingredient from Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have edited an ingredient in the Fridge.


  • Edits the ingredient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Ingredient List.
  • INGREDIENT can take in an optional Quantity e.g. i/Tomato -2 whole.
:memo: Note: QUANTITY is separated with a mandatory space before -. After the dash, it accepts quantity in the format of -(NUMBER)(STRING) e.g. -54.0 kilograms or STRING e.g. -a pinch. NUMBER only accept up to 10 digits, including a single forward slash to represent fractions or a single full stop to represent decimal numbers and trailing whitespaces and should be greater than 0. STRING accepts alphabets.
  • At least the ingredient index and ingredient name must be present to edit an ingredient.
  • You are not allowed to edit an ingredient into an already existing ingredient in the Fridge.
:bulb: Tip: Specified fields will override existing values with the new values- the edit is not cumulative. Typing editF INDEX and then hitting Enter will insert the information of the ingredient at the specified INDEX into the command box, letting you directly modify the existing ingredient.


  • editF 2 i/apple will update the name of the second ingredient in the displayed Ingredient List to apple.

5.2.5 Getting an ingredient to edit: editF

Contributed by: Olivia

Inserts the editF command concatenated with the information of the specified ingredient into the command box for editing purposes.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have gotten an ingredient in the Fridge to edit.

Format: editF INDEX

  • Gets the information of the ingredient at the specified INDEX and adds it behind the edit ingredient command in the command box.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Ingredient List.


  • editF 1 followed by Enter will insert the information of the 1st ingredient in the displayed Ingredient List into the command box.

5.2.6 Searching for an Ingredient: searchF

Contributed by: Caitlin

Finds ingredients in the Fridge that contain any of the given keywords.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have searched for ingredients in the Fridge


  • Input keywords are only compared against the ingredient name.
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g peanut will match Peanut.
  • The search will match partial keywords. e.g. tomat will match tomato.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Peanut Butter will match Butter with Peanut.
:memo: Note: Ingredient quantity is not taken into account when determining whether two ingredients matches.
:memo: Note: Multiple kewyords are separated by a space.


  • searchF peanut returns peanut and peanut butter.

5.2.7 Clearing all ingredients : clearF

Contributed by: Tian Yong

Clears all the ingredients in the Fridge.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have cleared all ingredients in the Fridge

Format: clearF

The Consumption-related commands include eatR, calories, deleteC, and clearC. These are the commands in Wishful Shrinking that are relevant only to the Consumption list.

5.3.1 Eating a recipe : eatR

Contributed by: Tian Yong

Adds the specified recipe in the Recipe List into the Consumption list.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have eaten a recipe.

Format: eatR INDEX

  • Adds the recipe at the specified INDEX into the Consumption list.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed Recipe List.


  • recipes followed by eatR 2 adds the 2nd recipe in the displayed Recipe List into the Consumption list.
  • searchR n/salad followed by eatR 1 adds the 1st recipe in the results of the searchR command into the Consumption list.

5.3.2 Listing all recipes eaten : calories

Contributed by: Tian Yong

Shows the list of recipes that you have eaten, including the recipe’s name and calorie. The total calories consumed so far is displayed in the command result.
The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have listed all recipes that you have eaten.

Format: calories

:memo: Note: Deleting a recipe will not affect the recipes that have been eaten in the consumption list.

5.3.3 Deleting a recipe eaten: deleteC

Contributed by: Caitlin

Deletes the specified recipe from consumption list.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have deleted a recipe from the consumption list.

Format: deleteC INDEX

  • Deletes the recipe at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the recent displayed consumption list.


  • calories followed by deleteC 2 deletes the 2nd recipe in the Consumption List.

5.3.4 Clearing all consumed recipes : clearC

Contributed by: Tian Yong

Clears all the recipes that have been eaten in the consumption list.

The image below is what Wishful Shrinking looks like after you have cleared all recipes eaten from the consumption list.

Format: clearC

5.4 Miscellaneous Commands

The miscellaneous commands include help and exit. They are the commands that you can use in Wishful Shrinking that are of a separate implementation from the Recipes, Fridge and Consumption-related commands.

5.4.1 Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

The image below is Wishful Shrinking’s help window.

help message

Format: help

:bulb: Tip: To go back to the app, simply click on the Wishful Shrinking tab at the top of the window.

5.4.2 Exiting the program : exit

Exits Wishful Shrinking.

Format: exit

5.4.3 Saving the data

Wishful Shrinking’s data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Back to table of contents

6. FAQ

Q: Why is my data not saved?
A: Remember to copy the jar file to an EMPTY folder before starting the app.

Q: Why did my data get wiped out?
A: The Wishful Shrinking data file has been corrupted.

Q: How can I reset the data file into the original sample data file?
A: Delete the WishfulShrinking.json file and rerun the jar file.

Q: Why is the app not running?
A: Ensure JDK 11 or above is installed.

Q: Why can’t I add/edit images?
A: Refer to the section on image path restrictions under add recipe.

Q: I forgot how to use the app. Where can I find help?
A: Type help into the command box and hit enter. A link to the user guide will be provided.

7. Glossary

Term Explanation
Wishful Shrinking Can refer to name of the application as a whole or to the app’s storage file.
Fridge A personalised storage that contains all the ingredients that you have.
Recipe A set of cooking instructions that describes how to prepare a meal and the ingredients required.
Ingredient Food that can be used to prepare a particular dish according to a recipe.
Consumption A tracker which calculates and displays your calorie intake based on the recipes you have consumed as well as a list of recipes consumed.
Drawer Page that layers above left section of the window when the selectR command runs and closes when the close command runs.
CLI A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface that allows users to type text commands instructing the program to do specific tasks.
GUI A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with the program through graphical icons instead of text-based user interfaces.
Absolute Path The complete details needed to locate a file or folder, starting from the root element.

8. Command summary

Features Format, Examples
e.g. addR n/salad i/lettuce, tomato, olive oil c/40 img/images/healthy1.jpg instr/Cook. Eat. t/fast t/easy
List recipes recipes
Delete recipe deleteR INDEX
e.g. deleteR 3
e.g. editR 2 n/Apple salad i/apple
Get edit recipe info editR INDEX
e.g. editR 2
Select recipe selectR INDEX
e.g. selectR 3
Close recipe drawer close
Search for recipe searchR [i/INGREDIENT [ MORE INGREDIENTS]] [n/NAME [ MORE NAMES]] [t/TAG [ MORE TAGS]]
e.g. searchR i/lettuce tomato, searchR n/salad, searchR t/healthy
Recommend recipe recommend
Clear all recipes clearR
Features Format, Examples
Add ingredient to the Fridge addF i/INGREDIENT [ -QUANTITY][, MORE INGREDIENTS [ -QUANTITY]]
e.g. addF i/banana -3/4 cups, green peas -200g, salmon fish
List ingredients in the Fridge fridge
Delete ingredient from the Fridge deleteF INDEX
e.g. deleteF 3
Edit ingredient in the Fridge editF INDEX i/INGREDIENTS [ -QUANTITY]
e.g. editF 3 i/apple sauce -20.0g
Get edit ingredient info editF INDEX
e.g. editF 2
Search for ingredient in the Fridge searchF KEYWORD [ MORE KEYWORDS]
e.g. searchF avocado
Clear all ingredients from the Fridge clearF
Features Format, Examples
Eat recipe eatR INDEX
e.g. eatR 3
List recipes eaten calories
Delete recipe eaten deleteC INDEX
e.g. deleteC 3
Clear all consumed recipes clearC

Miscellaneous Commands

Features Format, Examples
Help help
Exit exit